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Hier in Berlin ist der Himmel leider gerade mehr grau als blau, genau der richtige Zeitpunkt, um Euch über den großen Teich zu entführen.

Edwin hat uns einen Tipp geschickt, wo in Queens man unbedingt ein Eis essen gehen sollte. Und das schöne ist, es handelt sich dabei nicht nur um einen Eisladen, sondern auch um eine kleine Zeitreise, da hier seit 1908 selbstgemachtes Eis verkauft wird. Aber lest am besten selber, warum man dort unbedingt vorbeischauen sollte:


Foto: Edwin R.

Eddies sweet shop in Forest Hills, Queens N.Y. Is one of the best and oldest ice cream places I have been coming to for many years and on this visit I had the banana split with two large scoops one strawberry and one vanilla chip with homemade whipped cream, chocolate fudge, & rainbow sprinkles. The taste of all these flavors coming together was amazing, from the home made strawberry ice cream with real strawberries, from the vanilla chip with real chocolate chips, from the homemade chocolate fudge, from the homemade fluffy whipped cream, I felt like a kid at Eddie’s.

This place has been open since 1908 and more than century not much has changed and you can get a feel of how it use to be from there marble counter tops to the Victorian wood moldings to making their fresh daily ice creams & whipped cream. They also make, floats, shakes, cream sodas, and make fresh coffee & cappuccino, and have a wide selection of candies for the sweet tooth. This place is one of a kind.“


Foto: Edwin R.

A big thank you to Edwin for sharing this recommendation with us. We hope, he will have a great summer and always some great ice cream to eat!